Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"Valentine's Day"

As I taught my lesson this past Sunday about choices, I couldn't help but imagine what my life would be like if I wouldn't have made the choice to marry Brayden. When I look back on the past two years with him, I can't seem to think of my life any other way. Brayden has taught me so much about love, patience, forgiveness, happiness, and compassion. He is everything on my "husband wishlist" and much more. I am eternally grateful for the trials we have faced as a team and for the memories we have been able to create.

This Valentine's Day we had Brayden's family in town visiting, so we decided to celebrate on President's Day. I worked until early afternoon and Brayden worked on homework until I got home. I came home to a clean house with the flowers and cards below sitting on the TV stand. We decided to spend our money this year on a fun date instead of getting each other gifts, so it was really sweet of him to do that. And I must add, the card was homemade :). We then took Ellie on a long walk (which I told Brayden I wanted to do).

Then, Brayden took me to a Mexican restaurant called "Maria Bonita" up in Orem. It was absolutely fantastic. I had a friend at work recommend it, and I'm glad! We never would have noticed it. After that we went shopping at a couple stores to let our food settle. Then, Brayden took me to Farr's Fresh Ice Cream which I had been craving for the LONGEST time. We then rented Ender's Game and watched it on our newly mounted upstairs TV. All in all, it was a great Valentine's Day celebration. I am so grateful for Brayden and all that he does for me! He is so busy, yet he always finds time to make sure I am happy. Who could ask for more? I LOVE YOU BRAYDEN!

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