Thursday, March 13, 2014

Arizona and....

This past weekend we were so lucky to get to go down to Arizona for a short time. Emily picked us up from the airport Friday afternoon and we met Caleb for dinner at a delicious pizza place (I can't remember the name haha). We then went shopping for a bit and headed to Frost. After getting Frost we went to the Gilbert temple since Brayden and I hadn't seen it yet. Oh my goodness, what a BEAUTIFUL House of the Lord.

Saturday we headed to Grandma's house to surprise her for her birthday. Dan and Crystal's family came to surprise her as well. She was so excited to have the whole family with her for her special day! We had lunch at Grandma's house and then went to "The Dutton Show" which is Grandma's favorite place to be. We then met at Carrabas with the whole family. Then we did some more shopping with Emily and Caleb and watched a movie before going to bed. Our trip ended quickly on Sunday morning when we flew back to Utah.

I just wanted to take a second to thank Emily and Caleb for hanging out with us, taking us shopping, and letting us crash at their place. We have so much fun hanging out with them! Also a big thanks to Mom and Dad for getting us down to hang out with the family for the weekend. And finally a huge thanks to my family for being so great! It made me a little homesick to be in AZ and around everyone again. I love my family so much.

When we got back on Sunday we were exhausted, but the weather has finally been a little warmer than 50 degrees during the day and I wanted to go on a picnic so bad! We made some potato salad and brought marinaded chicken to grill and headed to the park right by our house. Ellie LOVES to be outside and off her leash. She had a blast and so did we! I'm glad we can finally spend some time outside.

Oh, and..... we finally let the cat out of the bag on Sunday and announced that we are having a BABY GIRL! I just hit 21 weeks, and I am starting to feel big and uncomfortable. I feel very blessed to not have morning sickness anymore and that it wasn't ever so bad that I couldn't make it to work. This summer is the time to have babies! I know so many women who are expecting around the same time as me. It's really fun to be able to talk to everyone about their experiences.

We are so excited and so anxious to meet this little girl! Brayden is going to be in another house full of girls! Good thing he has a lot of experience. ;) Anyway, I will write more about baby and pregnancy on my other blog as soon as I get around to it! It's still a busy, busy, busy semester.

I also want to thank Lindsey for taking our fun baby announcement photos! They turned out great!

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